Tag: puzzles

Cryptogram Puzzles

What is a cryptogram

A cryptogram is a type of puzzle or game that involves encoding or encrypting a message in a way that makes it difficult to understand. It typically consists of a piece of text in which each letter has been replaced by a different letter or symbol. The goal of a cryptogram is to decode the message by figuring out how the encoded letters and the original letters are related.

Cryptograms can take various forms, but a common type involves simple letter substitution, where each letter is replaced by another letter consistently throughout the entire message. Solving a cryptogram often requires linguistic and pattern recognition skills, as well as trial and error.

This cryptogram has a grid at the top in which you can record the letters you have found. It provides two solved letters to give you a start. It also provides a clue, in that the cryptogram is a Bible quote and gives you the verse from which it comes. A larger version is provided at the bottom of the page if you want to try solving it.

Cryptograms are commonly found in puzzle books, newspapers, and online platforms, and they have been used historically for educational and recreational purposes. They can range in difficulty, with some being relatively easy for beginners and others posing a greater challenge for experienced puzzle solvers.

Best Strategy to Solve a Cryptogram

Solving a cryptogram involves using deductive reasoning, pattern recognition, and knowledge of language to uncover the hidden message. Here are some strategies that can help you solve cryptograms:

Frequency Analysis

Start by identifying common letters in the language (e.g., E, T, A, O, I, N) and look for patterns. Often, single-letter words are “a” or “I,” and two-letter words might be “is,” “it,”, “no”, “at”, “by”, “on” or “to.”

Look for Patterns

Observe repeating patterns of letters or groups of letters. This might indicate common words or prefixes and suffixes. Double letters are often “ee” or “oo”.

Word Length

Consider the length of words in the cryptogram. The lengths of the words can provide clues, especially for common words, such as “the” and “and”


If you identify a common word or a short word, try to use context to deduce other words around it. This can help you piece together the puzzle.

Letter Pairings

Identify common letter pairings (bigrams) and letter combinations. For example, in English, “th,” “he,” “er,” and “in” are frequently occurring bigrams.

Trial and Error

Make educated guesses and substitutions. Sometimes, trial and error are necessary to make progress.


Pay attention to punctuation marks. Periods, commas, and apostrophes can help you identify the end of sentences or separate words.

Contextual Information

If the cryptogram is associated with a specific topic or theme, use that information to make educated guesses about certain words.

Use a Solver Tool

There are online tools and apps designed specifically for solving cryptograms. You can input the encrypted text, and the tool will help you find potential solutions.


Regular practice improves your pattern recognition and decoding skills. The more cryptograms you solve, the better you become at deciphering them.
Remember that solving cryptograms can be a fun and challenging exercise. It often involves a combination of logical thinking and linguistic intuition. If you get stuck, taking a break and returning to the puzzle with fresh eyes can sometimes provide a new perspective.


A cipher is related to a cryptogram but represents a broader concept.

A cipher is a method or algorithm for performing encryption or decryption, which transforms readable data (plaintext) into an unreadable form (ciphertext) and vice versa. Ciphers are used to secure information by making it unintelligible to unauthorized individuals.

This differs from a cryptogram, which is a specific type of puzzle or encoded message where letters are substituted with other letters or symbols. Cryptograms are a form of entertainment or educational game rather than a method of securing information. They often involve simple letter substitutions, and the goal is to decipher the hidden message.

In summary, a cipher is a broader concept related to encryption and decryption techniques used for securing information, while a cryptogram is a specific kind of puzzle or game involving encoded messages for entertainment or educational purposes.

Solving Ciphers

Solving a cipher involves deciphering an encoded message, typically by understanding the method of encryption used. The approach to solving a cipher depends on the type of cipher employed. Here are some common types of ciphers and general strategies for solving them:

Substitution Ciphers

In substitution ciphers, each letter is replaced by another letter or symbol. The Caesar cipher is a simple example where each letter is shifted by a fixed number.
To solve a substitution cipher, look for common patterns, such as frequent letters or pairs of letters. You can use frequency analysis based on the frequency of letters in the language.

Transposition Ciphers

Transposition ciphers involve rearranging the order of the letters without changing them. For example, the rail fence cipher writes the message in a zigzag pattern.
To solve a transposition cipher, try different rearrangements of the letters or use knowledge of common transposition techniques.

Vigenère Cipher

The Vigenère cipher uses a keyword to encrypt the message. Each letter of the keyword corresponds to a shift value for the letters in the message. To solve a Vigenère cipher, try to identify the keyword length and then apply frequency analysis to each column of the message.

Playfair Cipher

The Playfair cipher encrypts pairs of letters using a 5×5 grid. Each letter is represented by its position in the grid. To solve a Playfair cipher, understand the rules of the grid and work through the pairs of letters to decipher the message.

Polyalphabetic Ciphers

Polyalphabetic ciphers use multiple substitution alphabets. The most famous is the Vigenère cipher. To solve a polyalphabetic cipher, determine the key and use frequency analysis on each part of the message encrypted with a different alphabet.

Modern Ciphers

Modern ciphers, such as those used in cryptography today, may involve complex mathematical algorithms. Breaking them often requires advanced mathematical knowledge or significant computing power.
For modern ciphers, unless you have specific information about the algorithm or key, breaking them may be extremely difficult or even practically impossible.

Use Cryptanalysis Tools

Online tools and software can automate the process of deciphering certain types of ciphers. Cryptanalysis tools may include methods like brute force attacks or advanced algorithms.
Remember that the effectiveness of these strategies depends on the complexity of the cipher and the available information about the encryption method. Some ciphers are intentionally designed to be difficult to break without the key, especially modern cryptographic algorithms used for securing sensitive information.

Cryptogram to Try

If you want the answer, it can be found here.